Collaborators + Collaborations

Content is king, talent is queen and we are building a new kingdom (in the ancient metaphor of patriarchy). In more modern terms, we love to meet new creatives, hear about exciting new adventures and expand our universe.

Current Collaborations

Foodie Fondo

Transportation Alternatives 2016-2021

Bike New York 2020(!)-2021

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Harlem Hospitality Project

SUNY + Columbia Board of Trustees 2016-2018

Retrain Back Pain

Dinneen Viggiano 2010-present

Collaborations of Old



NYC 1999-2018

Sing for Your Supper

Maestro Steven Blier + the New York Festival of Song 2000-2018

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Broadway Watches the Oscars

Broadway director Jeff Calhoun + HENRY’s 2002-2018

Wellness in the Schools

Founding Chef Partner 2008-2018


New Collaborations


Please leave us details about yourself and your project. We will email you back shortly to set up a time for an introductory call with Henry.